Sunday, April 6, 2014

Keep it simple!

Several years ago when I was raising funds - especially early in my career - I would create proposals that were very wordy.

I wanted to impress upon the would-be sponsor just how big of an event I was creating and I really wanted, maybe even more, to impress upon the potential donor what kind of impact the organization was making with its mission.

Word, words, words.

I really tried to put every last detail in those darn proposals.

I've learned that not only is it unnecessary, but it also sometimes counter-productive and confusing to the donor.

That's because the person you are sending it to might get up to FIVE - or more - similar pitches EACH day. It is hard to believe, but it's true. They don't have time to wade through all the information.

Your job is to make it easy and to remove barriers. That means sending out a very brief proposal that the potential donor will be able to read quickly with no attachments just links. (See previous blog on attachments).

Include up front in your email or proposal very basic things like dates, times, and locations, and SPECIFICALLY what it is you are asking for and what they will get in return. Don't make them guess or have to play a word hunt just to find out.

And then put a link or website in the email or proposal directing your would be donor to all of the information that you'd like them to have - if they are interested.

And leave it at that.

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